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This is a space for Entrepreneurs to co-create a prosperous future in the heart of local communities - The Box Shop is more that just an affordable and innovative retail space, it is a catalyst for collaboration and business growth, which aspires for the birth of a vibrant township economy.



Triple Challenges:



In the third quarter of 2015 unemployment figures have climbed from 25% to 26,4 %, of which a third of those figures comprise of youth.  Which is a worrying factor for our National government and GDP growth.


Township Revitalization

Low economic participation of township businesses in their local economies (rarely supplying retail products within township malls), because the required fundamentals of economics are missing (enterprise capacity, lack of resources and struggle to access formal markets).


Building a strong SA Brand

Big brands developed by SMME and Start Up entrepreneurs emerge as weak and they are often overshadowed by an influx of International brands. SMME's also lack execution of their marketing plan and better positioning of their brands in the market.




Creating employment

Create local and international demand for locally produced products within local markets and lobby for products to be manufactured within the local environment.  Adopt market innovation strategies to deliver value added services for consumers.


Enterprise Development on our doorsteps

Strategically align the programme with government economic development aspirations by bringing state of the art retail space right in the heart of townships and encourage economic activity within strategic nodes.


Brand Loyalty

Strengthen internal business systems to enable effective operational model of the business and link business to access sector businesses within the value chain.



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